Thursday, October 28, 2010

A MUST Read!

Jeff and I went to Savannah for a few days because he had a business convention there.  More about our trip later, but for now I wanted to share with you the book I read will we were gone.  I haven't been reading many books lately because most of my reading time is devoted to blogs, but I thought I would like to have something for our 5 hour ride in the car.  I saw this book and immediately knew that I wanted to read it.  I am always fascinated with the life of a celebrity and when the Chapman's little girl was accidentally killed in their own driveway by their older son I was heartbroken for them.  Many times since that accident,  I have been inside my house with the kids playing outside and think "that could happen to one of my kids" then I go outside and check on them.

I was in tears from the very first sentence of the "In loving memory" page.  I was in tears reading the Prologue written by Beth Moore.  AND I hadn't even gotten to the 1st page of the book yet!  I started wondering "why in the world did I bring such a depressing book on my fun trip?"  Yes, parts of it are very sad.  BUT parts of it made me laugh out loud.  All of it made me realize how much I take for granted on a daily basis.  It encouraged me and inspired me to be a better mom.  It increased my faith that the Lord will  be with us during the darkest of days.  Check it's worth the tears.

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